Dream On X PCC Nite Moves
Sandman has earned his place as the herdmaster with his show record and potent breeding ability. Twice the Royal Champion Bull in 07' and 08', even more impressive were his two sons winning Reserve Bull in 08 and then again in '10. Siring soft made dimensional cattle that are still clean fronted and attractive, they have also proven to be very marketable. His daughters in production are ideal with udder quality and milk. He has done it all and he's not done yet.
Dream On X Rapid Fire
As picturesque a bull as you'll ever find, Tomahawk takes herdbull presence to a whole new level. A Champion at 3 major shows as a calf and as a yearling in London, Toronto and Regina. He has passed his style, shape and length onto his progeny and I can assure you I wish I had more of his daughters in production. Unmatched for look and quality while maintaining the inner dimension and physical structure to turn grass into pounds and profit.
Owned by Jarvis Simmentals
TOP GUN X (Red Ransom / Dr Pepper)
Selected from Bull Spectrum as the high performing bull with the most masculinity, we'll mate him to the Red Sky daughters to add power, add ww and yw on paper and compliment what the gorgeous, moderate, milky Red Sky's already have. He was also added to infuse the genetics of Top Gun into the herd, while his donor dam won't hurt us either.
High performing, massive bull that is physically very impressive in the flesh from any angle. He offers added power to our red division with sensible calving and loads of maternal strength form the consistent production of his dam. We have 4 very attractive maternal sisters gracing our pastures that year in and year like their dam flat out get the job done. Zipline is the combination of raw power and unrivalled mothering and calf rearing ability.
Low birth weight, soft made, super attractive, well balanced stud that was a favourite across Canada on the show road in 2012 and 2013. Mothered by the beautiful 2011 Royal Champion Female and backed by the famed U Go Girl behind that he is maternally stacked to produce mouth watering females. His extra depth of body and proud masculine design will allow his sons to perform well while his genetic projections point towards a true spread bull from birth to yearling. Homo polled and Hetero Black he'll play an important role at IRCC for years to come. Owned with Genesource, Oates Show Cattle and Moorefield Simmentals.